“Why is Intermittent Fasting the new Rage with Hollywood Celebrities? ”
Intermittent Fasting is one of the biggest topics in the health industry right now - and for good reason! It’s healthy, sustainable, and effective! With intermittent fasting, you can lose weight while still enjoying all of your favorite food!
Published: Thursday, March 4, 2021
Staff Editor
Intermittent Fasting Institute
There is a reason Jennifer Anniston and Hugh Jackman publicly pronounce their love of the lifestyle. You know it works when it is was the “trendiest” weight loss search term in 2019 and is recorded as the most practiced weight-loss intervention among female physicians. Intermittent fasting is highly effective and has TONS of scientific data to prove it.
A study conducted by Mark Mattson from the National Institute on Aging found that intermittent fasting is just as effective for weight loss as continuous caloric restriction.
On top of that intermittent fasting has also shown to improve biomarkers of disease, reduce oxidative stress, and even improve brain function!
Another study, conducted by Ruth E. Patterson and Dorothy D. Sears from the University of California San Diego, found that intermittent fasting reduces the risk of obesity and obesity-related conditions as well as chronic diseases, such as diabetes and cancer!
That doesn’t even scratch the surface of the science supporting intermittent fasting! Unlike most “healthy” trends and fad diets nowadays, intermittent fasting is certifiably legit and is potentially becoming a new norm! Take it from the experts.
What Is Intermittent Fasting?
There are many ways to fast, but intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where your eating during the day is limited to a certain time period. Generally speaking, intermittent fasting involves not eating for at least 12 hours in between meals.
After 12 hours, your body starts using excess fat to burn energy. So, no caloric intake for that 12-hour period can kick start weight loss and benefit your body in many other ways. Instead of overloading your body with food every few hours, intermittent fasting gives your body plenty of time to take a break, reset, and burn fat.
Source: WebMD.com
How does this fasting work?
After a meal, your body uses glucose as its main source of energy. Think of your body as a car needing fuel to run. Glucose is like the gas you put in your vehicle. This is basically the main source of energy that you get from the carbs and sugar in your food. If your cells don’t use all the glucose as fuel, you store it in your fat cells as fat. However, the glucose can only enter your fat cells with insulin, a hormone released in the bloodstream in response to digesting food. Every time you eat, you make insulin, which makes fat. SO, if you eat every few hours, your body makes insulin every few hours, thus storing fat… every few hours.
Source: WebMD.com
“Are There Any Other Benefits?”
Of course intermittent fasting’s most prominent benefit is weight loss, but the lifestyle change has been known to offer many other benefits.
The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), arguably today’s top medical journal, recently published an article stating that intermittent fasting does in fact promote weight loss, but also discusses the evolutionary benefit of cellular repair along with many other benefits like:
- Increased fat burning
- Lowered sugar levels
- Reversal of type 2 diabetes
- Improved mental clarity and concentration
- Increased energy
- Improved blood cholesterol
- Longer life
- Activation of cellular cleansing by promoting autophagy
- Reduction of inflammation
Most diets complicate life, but one of the best benefits of intermittent fasting is that it actually can simplify it. It saves time and money and is accessible to anyone!
“Are there any downsides to intermittent fasting?”
Intermittent fasting yields quick results, has multiple benefits, and is extremely accessible, BUT it can be hard to adapt to and many will give up. A part of it being so effective is people commonly fail because it is such a big lifestyle change.
There are a number of pitfalls that can and will derail you from being successful!
When switching to the regimen, you will probably experience hunger, irritability, and lack of concentration during your fast. Those cravings start to kick in and all you can focus on is how hungry you are. If you give up and eat before you are supposed to break your fast, intermittent fasting will not work.
The first initial fasting periods can also be combined with low energy and dehydration. Many people can’t get through the first few weeks. They can’t adapt and they fail!
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